I love them;
I love words.
I can read a well-turned phrase,
over and over,
delighting in its structure
and the sound on my tongue.
None though are as beautiful as:
"trimble" (chimney)
"roaster coller" (roller coaster)
"chimp" (pinch)
"me going to bless you" (I'm going to sneeze),
coming off the tongue of my three year old.

P.S. I scribbled this on a note pad four years ago. I hope it reminded you of some of the sweet phrases your own children have, and to write them down! There are many I have forgotten. My current favorites are that Scarlett calls it "hide and sneak" and Charlie pronounces chocolate as "chocklick," don't you dare tell him otherwise! I am sure he will discover it someday.
Thank you for reading!